Code of Business Ethics and Conduct

We have adopted the Code of Business Ethics and Conduct in support of its Vision, Mission, and Shared Values. Collectively, we are responsible for conducting ourselves in a legal and ethical manner and adhering to the letter and spirit of this Code.

Our Noble Purpose

We connect individuals to employment in ways that enhance their lives.

Our Vision

To be the most innovative, perceptive, and nimble talent company, dedicated to connecting vital talent with great organisations in which we all thrive.

Our Strategic Objective

To lead our competitors in terms of profitable growth among the talent we choose to specialise in and the markets in which we compete.

Our Values

Collectively and individually, we are evaluated based on the return we generate for our shareholders. We provide the following values for this return:
Work and Wages Employment Sdn Bhd, Inc. and/or any company controlled directly or indirectly by Work and Wages Employment Sdn Bhd, Inc. (collectively “the Company”) are committed to doing the right thing, conducting ourselves in a legal, ethical, and trustworthy manner, and meeting our regulatory obligations. In the countries in which we operate, we adhere to both the letter and the spirit of our business policies and the applicable local regulations. We take pride in conducting business with honesty and recognise the importance of ethical business practises. The Company’s Board of Directors (the “Board”) adopted the following Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”), which applies to the Board and every employee of the Company, regardless of position, country, business unit, or subsidiary.

Observance of statutes, rules, and regulations

We work to ensure that our suppliers, agents, and representatives are aware of their responsibility to comply with all laws, rules, and regulations applicable to the Company, including laws related to anti-corruption and anti-bribery, trade compliance, labour and employment, antitrust, insider trading, health and safety, the environment, data privacy and protection, and all Company-established policies. Some violations may lead to fines and/or criminal prosecution.
Our ethical standards are based on a strict adherence to the law, both in letter and in spirit. You must abide by and respect the laws of the cities, states, and countries where the Company operates. Although you are not expected to know the specifics of all applicable laws, you should know enough to know when to consult your supervisor, Human Resources representative, legal counsel, or other appropriate department.
Failure to comply with laws, rules, or regulations governing the Company’s business, this Code, or any Company policy may result in corrective action, including termination of employment or engagement.

Why Is There a Code?

The purpose of the Code is to assist us in recognising and addressing ethical issues, discouraging wrongdoing, providing channels for reporting concerns, promoting honest and ethical behaviour, providing full, fair, and timely disclosure in the Company’s reports and communications, complying with applicable governmental laws, rules, and regulations, and fostering a culture of honesty and accountability.
No code or policy can anticipate every possible circumstance. This Code is intended to serve as a guide for making difficult ethical decisions. In complex circumstances, we should take the time to carefully consider our options.